Data quality controls

All data provided on is provided for informational purposes only, and is not intended for trading or investing purposes. provides all information as is. You must not redistribute information displayed on or provided by There are no perfect data sets, and issues with data may do occur for all data providers.

If you find a problem with data, please send us a message at with the following information:

  • The company name, ticker symbol, or name of the data series with the possible error

  • The reason you think the data is incorrect (a separate source with conflicting data is best, so we can evaluate the conflict)

  • A link to a page with the possible error (optional, but speeds the process)

Speed of Fixes

Issues that are under our complete control are generally fixed within 24 hours.

Because our data comes from various external data providers and sources, we do not have full control over how quickly corrections are fixed.

Last updated