
Watchlists allow you to create a "collection" of symbols you want to follow. Using various KlickAnalytis tools, you can further analyze the symbols in your Watchlist in different ways. While the most common way to view a Watchlist is with a "table view", you can use the various view by selecting the drop down value like 'Main' and more.

The watchlist page will always display the watchlist based on watchlist title in ascending order. To change the Watchlist being viewed, use the drop-down list at the top of the page.

Create a New Watchlist

To create a new Watchlist, click the "New Watchlist" button at the top of the page. A free site membership allows you to create up to 2 Watchlists with each watchlist can hold 5 symbols, while paid members may create unlimited Watchlists with each Watchlist can hold up to 1000 rows.

Add Symbols to a Watchlist

You can symbol with the symbol entry form at the top of the Watchlist page. Additionally, you may add a symbol to any Watchlist from the symbol's quote page.

New additions to the Watchlist are automatically added to the table.


Watchlists can be analyzed using "Views." A View simply presents the symbols on the page with a different set of columns. In addition, we have visualization tools in views like

  • Charts

  • Charts - Technical Indicators

  • Charts - Interactive Charts

  • Barchart

  • Bubbles

  • Scatter

and more.

Last updated